Simone was a trooper today...Gary dropped her off at 7:30 am this morning at the hospital in Albany where the doggy dentist practices. She didn't really want to go in, but complied knowing he'd be back for her later. Gary received a call around noon letting him know she had come out of the anesthesia okay and was in recovery and doing well. She had remained stable throughout the procedure...no scary drops in blood pressure or troubles breathing, which was a huge relief. He drove back over there to get her after work, and they finally released her to him around 5:30 p.m. They ended up pulling two teeth, the one that was broken off in the back, and the one next to it. Both teeth were abcessed and the infection had spread to her jawbone. They were able to get both teeth out okay and took steps to excise what they could of the infection in the bone. She will be on antibiotics for a couple of weeks, and we go back in next week to our regular vet for a CBC just to make sure her thrombocytopenia doesn't flare up from what is expected to be a heightened immune response. She seems to be doing well tonight, and was excited to eat dinner (she had been NPO for almost 27 hours to help make sure she wouldn't get sick from the anesthesia). We're taking it easy now and having a snuggle on the couch. I'm sure her mouth must be hurting, but she's being her usual happy self and not letting on about any pain or discomfort. Hopefully she will heal quickly and without any complications.