Sunday, May 30, 2010

Tandem Lounging

Simone and Millie lounge on the bed.

Happy Girl

Family Portrait

Visit from AM & UD

Aunt Mary and Uncle Dennis dropped by this afternoon for a visit. First Simone helped give them a tour of the chicken coop.

Then Simone settled down on the lawn for a back scratch from Aunt Mary.

After lunch, we took a walk through the wetlands in Sunset Park, and Simone got really wet. All the way up to her neck!

Once we got back home, Simone was tired from all the excitement and decided to take a much needed nap in the backyard.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Bailey's First Birthday

Simone was invited to Bailey's first birthday party.

Simone and Bailey devoured the peanut butter cake in about 30 seconds, and then moved on to some doggie ice cream.

Bailey opened his presents and then we went outside to play with them. Simone managed to steal Bailey's new frisbee several times, much to Bailey's disdain.

After Simone and Bailey played for awhile, we went back inside and Simone made herself at home on the couch.

Doing Well

A day after Simone's second chemo treatment, she is doing great. She was a little tired this morning and didn't want to do much, but perked up this afternoon and enjoyed a run through the tall grass at the park.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Second Chemo Down

Simone had her second chemo treatment today.

Simone wasn't too happy when she arrived and didn't want to go in, but with a little help from the receptionist and Dr. Cohen, she complied.

Dr. Cohen said Simone tolerated the treatment well. She was much happier when it was time to go home, and went after the pig ear waiting for her with gusto.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Up, Please!

Home after a long day in the car, Simone waits patiently for a lift up onto the bed.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Monday, May 24, 2010

Movie Time

After our walk, we settled in the den to watch "The Great Race".
Simone had no trouble making herself right at home on the couch.

After Dinner Walk

After dinner, we went for a short walk and Simone enjoyed a run through the tall grass.

Visit with Elsa

We arrived at Elsa's in Volcano for a quick visit.

Simone became quick friends with Max, Elsa's rescued Shiloh Shepard.

Simone and Max got along great.

Visit to the Ranch

After lunch with Bonnie, we continued west to Minden to visit Uncle Matt.

Uncle Matt showed us around the ranch, and Simone made friends with Cousin Jasper's dad and brother and several other puppies.

Visit with Bonnie

After we left Virginia City, we headed to Carson City and stopped for lunch with our friend Bonnie. Simone made herself right at home!

Simone and Aunt Marney

Aunt Marney visits with Simone before she leaves for work and we depart for points west.

Sound Asleep

Sleeping in the living room next to the stove at Grandpa and Grandma's house on a cold May morning in Nevada.

Sunday, May 23, 2010


Simone snuggles with mom on the couch at grandma and grandpa's house.

Simone and Rosie

Simone and Rosie keep an eye on things during our visit to Virginia City.


Simone hangs out with her cousin Jasper at Uncle Ted's house east of Virginia City.

Saturday, May 22, 2010


Simone settles in for the night on Aunt Marney's bed in our old bedroom.

Grandpa and Simone

Simone and Grandpa were so happy to see each other.
She gave him a kiss and tried to get into his lap.

But then she settled down to sit next to him to soak it all up.

Waiting for Grandpa

Simone sits on the deck and waits patiently for grandpa to come home.

Visiting VC

We finally arrived in Virginia City Saturday afternoon.

Grandma Sue and Aunt Marney were there to greet her, as were her childhood pals Rosie and Odie.

Simone was so excited to see everyone!

Stretch Break

We stopped along the way for a couple of stretch breaks.
The first time we stopped a ways down Highway 89, the sun was out and the ground was dry.

The second time we stopped about an hour later along Highway 44, Simone got to play in the snow.

We'd heard reports that it would be cold and possibly snowy down in Northern Nevada during our trip, but actually seeing a couple of inches of snow on the ground was surprising. Not something one would really expect to happen the third week of May!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Watching the Road

Simone watches the road as we head south on I-5 towards Ashland.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Simone and Dad

Dinner with Laurie

Simone was invited to join us on a dinner date at our friend Laurie's. She met us at the gate with her two Italian Greyhounds in tow, Gabby and Luigi.

Gabby shook hands first, followed by Luigi:

Simone was spoiled silly with treats like a delectable turkey neck, a yummy salmon chew, and dehydrated chicken breast strips. Needless to say, she enjoyed herself tremendously!

Sunday Morning Stroll

We went for an early morning walk over to the park.
Or, should I say, run:

Simone actually runs better than she walks, so it's probably not a big surprise that she's turning us both into joggers. We did the whole loop this morning for the first time since the surgery. Because it was about twice as far as we've gone in the past few weeks, we opted to take a short break at the halfway point to get rested for the return home.

This little breather was all she needed to then run all the way home.

Tandem Lounging

Simone and Millie strike the same pose on the bed.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Visit from the Princes

The Prince clan came by to visit today and check in on Simone.

Simone was delighted to have visitors and enjoyed all of the extra attention!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Afternoon Dip

Dad took Simone down to Willamette Landing for a little dip in the water on this warm May day.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Afternoon Snooze

Tammy invited Simone over to play with Bailey today. They got along well together, and then took a long nap in the kitchen. Simone of course had to commandeer Bailey's bed, relegating him to the door mat.

Dr. Rosenlicht removed Simone's stitches yesterday; everything went well. I think Simone is glad to have those itchy sutures out. No more cone of shame! Once her hair grows back, her scar should be barely noticeable.

Monday, May 10, 2010

A Good Day

Simone had a good day today.

The effects of the chemo seem to have worn off, and she was back to her old self. We went for a couple of walks to the park and she ran both ways.

At the park, she spent most of her time rolling around and getting in a good back scratch.