Monday, March 29, 2010

And then there were four....

Our flock has grown, and we now have four chicks: Pinky, Patsy, Cleo (on top of the feeder in the photo above) and Digby Chicken Caesar. Since Simone doesn't really want to share her blog with the birds, we decided to set them up their own at

Although I hoped the chickens would benefit from a steady stream of classical music during the daylight hours, I have to agree wholeheartedly with my friend Carol who grew up on a farm....chickens are NOT smart. They are not at all like Simone and will never be able to compete with her ever increasing vocabulary and ability to spell. Oh well. I think Simone prefers it that way. The chickens are entertaining for the three of us to watch though, and Simone's so funny....when I ask her if she wants to go see the chickens, she stands right up....and then licks her lips.

Let's hope nurture overrules nature.

Monday Night Snuggle

Snuggles never get old in our house. Here Simone enjoys a Monday night snuggle with mom on the couch.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Guess who's living in the bathtub?

After several years of discussion, we decided to take the plunge and get a few chickens.

Simone isn't too sure about this.

She's only known birds as fun flying creatures good for chasing, and now there are two of them living in our bathtub for the next several weeks. Until they get bigger and we have time to build them a proper chicken coop, that is.

In the meantime, we're taking time to sit with her and the birds and hope that her ability to listen to us will outweigh her desire to pick them up and shake them. Or devour them.

Against the advice of others, we've decided to go ahead and name them.

Meet Pinky, a Silver Laced Wyandotte.

And Patsy, a Buff Orphingon.

We also have plans to add two more to the flock, a couple of Ameraucanas (a.k.a the ones that lay the blue or green eggs) as soon as we are able to locate them.

In the meantime, Simone will be patiently watching.

Friday, March 12, 2010

When One Pillow Just Isn't Enough...

Simone's latest pillow configuration:
one lengthwise under her torso, and one crosswise under her head.

This girl certainly likes to be comfortable!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Spring Bike Ride

After a long hiatus (we won't say how long), we decided to break out the bikes and bike trailer and go for a family bike ride on a sunny almost spring day.

We rode three miles down to Avery Park, laid down on the grass to watch the clouds until Simone couldn't take the inactivity any more, and then rode back home.

She did surprisingly well in the bike trailer, and had no problem getting in and watching the scenery go by.

It went so well we will definitely do it again soon!