After several years of discussion, we decided to take the plunge and get a few chickens.

She's only known birds as fun flying creatures good for chasing, and now there are two of them living in our bathtub for the next several weeks. Until they get bigger and we have time to build them a proper chicken coop, that is.

In the meantime, we're taking time to sit with her and the birds and hope that her ability to listen to us will outweigh her desire to pick them up and shake them. Or devour them.
Against the advice of others, we've decided to go ahead and name them.
Meet Pinky, a Silver Laced Wyandotte.

And Patsy, a Buff Orphingon.

We also have plans to add two more to the flock, a couple of Ameraucanas (a.k.a the ones that lay the blue or green eggs) as soon as we are able to locate them.
In the meantime, Simone will be patiently watching.

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