As we've mentioned, Simone enjoys checking in on the chickens. We do it at least twice a day, and she would probably sit there all day watching them if she could. We've begun to notice that the feeling is becoming mutual. The chicks are becoming more and more curious about Simone, and wondering who or what this big creature is that keeps sticking her nose into their home. They have become so curious in fact that they have started hopping up onto the edge of the bathtub to get a closer look. In the past 24 hours, their desire to get a closer look has escalated to a closer feel. Digby's done it, Cleo's done it, and so has Pinky.
Simone's head has become the chicks' latest perch:
Simone's head has become the chicks' latest perch:

You will have to excuse our "long lost photo of Bigfoot" approach to photography, but the moment was fleeting, the bathroom was dark, and there simply was not time to adjust the settings or ask Digby or Simone if we could do it from another angle.
We really feel like we're tempting fate here any time one of the birds jumps on top of Simone's noggin!
We really feel like we're tempting fate here any time one of the birds jumps on top of Simone's noggin!
That is just SO many levels of awesome!!!