Simone joined us for a retreat with the cast and crew of To Gillian on Her 37th Birthday at the coast today. We all met up at Driftwood Beach, south of Seal Rock, to get a feel for our play's setting.
It was the first sunny day we've had in what feels like forever.

We had lunch, hung out, and read through our script.
Simone also spent quite a bit of time playing in and around the water.
Simone decided she wanted to play ladder golf too and attempted to steal a ball from dad.
The wind picked up as the tide rolled in, and Simone's ears started whipping around every which way.
She didn't seem to mind too much though.
Putting up with the wind was a small price to pay for a good day at the beach.

She's doing so great without that back leg. Would that we could all take a lesson from that!