Saturday, August 15, 2009

Caveman Reunion

Simone and I pose for a photo during the Prince Family Reunion out at Three Rivers.

Camping Cozy

Simone stakes out her place on the air mattress inside our tent at the family reunion.

Stretch Break

On our way to Dennis and Mary's cabin, we stopped for a quick stretch break and took a few minutes to admire the view.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Meet Bailey

Simone hangs out with Bailey, our neighbor Tammy's new yellow lab puppy.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Tuckered Out

Simone was completely tuckered out after her run on the beach. Fortunately, she had two comfy layers of sleeping bags to lie on in the back set on our drive back home.

Beach Run

We took the puppies down to the beach in the morning for a romp in the waves.

It was Chad and Lori's new puppy Addie's first time at the beach and she loved it!

Addie, Molly, and Simone

Simone had a grand time as usual :)