Sunday, June 27, 2010

Madras Morning

Hoping to see another bunny rabbit, Simone maintains vigilance under the willow tree on Aunt Mary and Uncle Dennis' lawn early Sunday morning.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Reunion Picnic

Simone enjoys some time on the grass at Bean Park in Madras during dad's 20th high school reunion.

It was the perfect day for a lazy summer afternoon nap.

Brake Supervisor

Simone and Grandma Nancy check in on dad and Grandpa Jim as they work on brake parts for Matilda.

Madras Farmer's Market

Simone enjoys a little attention at the Madras Farmer's Market.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Chemo #3 Down

Simone had her third chemo treatment this past Thursday. The doctor upped the dose another step, and Simone did great. The aftereffects seemed even less this time, and she really didn't seem to have too many problems with decreased appetite or lethargy like the last two times. She will have her fourth treatment on July 8th, and additional x-rays will be taken at that visit to check to see if the disease has metastasized. Based on her general attitude, energy, and enthusiasm, it seems like she has the upper hand on the cancer. We're just keeping our fingers crossed that she will continue to have as many good days as possible.

Chilly June-uary Stroll

Even though it's was a chilly June-uary morning in Corvallis, Simone enjoyed getting out for a quick walk around the block, followed by a short rest on a neighbor's lawn.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Cozy Companions

Simone found Millie lying on the guest bed this morning, and decided to join her.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Gillian Beach Retreat

Simone joined us for a retreat with the cast and crew of To Gillian on Her 37th Birthday at the coast today. We all met up at Driftwood Beach, south of Seal Rock, to get a feel for our play's setting.

It was the first sunny day we've had in what feels like forever.

We had lunch, hung out, and read through our script.

Simone also spent quite a bit of time playing in and around the water.

Simone decided she wanted to play ladder golf too and attempted to steal a ball from dad.

The wind picked up as the tide rolled in, and Simone's ears started whipping around every which way.

She didn't seem to mind too much though.

Putting up with the wind was a small price to pay for a good day at the beach.

Sunny Day at the Coast

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Simone joined us for rehearsal tonight at ACT in Albany. She became rather bothered during our read through, whining loudly during a scene in which Gary and I get a little "snarky" with each other. She was worried we were really arguing, so we had to change our tone a bit to get through the scene for her benefit. Although it was nice to be able to have her there, it looks like Simone will have to skip any future rehearsals...unless we can figure out a way to explain to her that mom and dad are just pretending, and not really frustrated with each other!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

The Chase Game Resumes

Simone has started playing the chase game with us again for the first time since her surgery. She now seems to be feeling well enough to grab a toy and then taunt us into chasing her around the downstairs over and over again until we cry uncle. We're taking this as a good sign!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Visit from the Wegners

The Wegner family dropped by today for a springtime barbecue.

Simone enjoyed all of the extra attention!

Simone's Admirer

Simone received several small admiring children while we took a break on the grass down at the Corvallis Farmers' Market today.